Covalent launches program to train Web3 data analysts

The company seeks to recruit and teach 1,000 workers to help address the shortage of tech talent.

It’s no secret that the tech industry is facing a number of challenges right now. Between layoffs and compensation and corporate equity restructuring, it seems like we can barely go a week without a negative headline. And on top of those issues, there remains a shortage of tech talent.

Between 2018 and 2028, it is expected that the number of software engineering jobs will increase by over 200,000: a number that doesn’t take into account the vacancies for the Web3 sector.Enter Covalent.

The Coinbase Ventures and Binance Labs Web3 data-provider has just announced a Data Alchemist Boot-Camp that seeks to fill the current and future skills gap for workers seeking employment in technology or Web3 companies that rely on data analytics. Covalent is hoping to recruit and train 1,000 workers for these jobs. Part of the appeal is the incentives for participants, including the opportunity to earn weekly grants of $500 USDC (approximately CAD $2,000) by solving curriculum-based challenges.

The boot-camp is an expansion of Covalent’s existing Alchemist program — a gamified learning and growth platform that equips participants with skills and networking opportunities in Web3 — and focuses specifically on cultivating much-needed analytical skills used in data-centred jobs. Participants can expect to learn the fundamentals of blockchain business analytics over four weeks in the cohort.

Interested? According to Covalent CEO Ganesh Swami, “the only prerequisite to joining our Data Alchemist Boot-Camp is a desire to learn about Web3; come with that, and we’ll pay you to learn. There is a real need for individuals who are experts in this new cross-section of data and blockchain. We want to help train these future leaders to quickly fill these new roles in the near-term. This boot-camp is how we try to spark change in an excited and rapidly growing community.”

The first cohort of the Data Alchemist Boot-Camp starts on October 19, with future courses running every six weeks.


or to participate.