How (and why) to get a job at Pulse Labs

The inside scoop from Aisling Carty on what the company — backed by Madrona, Amazon, and Google — is focused on in building their solutions and teams

Welcome to Vancouver Tech Journal’s series on how to land a job at a company hiring in Vancouver, where we look at the people behind them, how they got to where they are today, opportunities available — and key things to know if you’re job hunting!

Meet Aisling Carty, head of product growth at Pulse Labs.

With over 10 years of experience across Asia-Pacific, Europe and North America, Carty has worked in human rights, politics, and international development before pivoting into strategic and product growth with J.D. Power — a pioneer in the use of big data, AI, and algorithmic modelling capabilities to understand consumer behaviour.

Now at Pulse Labs, Carty’s focus is on driving performance, leading the development of customer solutions, and fostering the company’s equity in the B2C space. She’s also responsible for overseeing Pulse Lab’s newest solution, FlightRecorder, a lightweight SDK installed into a mobile app for real-time user feedback, screen recordings of user engagement, AI-powered triaging and analysis, and more. 

Photo: FlightRecorder

Tell us about Pulse Labs.

Pulse Labs is a product feedback and user experience (UX) analytics company. 

Founded in 2017, we work with companies looking to enhance their UX experience and product capabilities.

We provide testing, data capture, and analytics tools and services for applications across web, mobile, and connected devices.

How many employees? 


Photo: Pulse Labs team

Where are you headquartered?

We are headquartered in Salt Lake City but have colleagues based remotely across the U.S., Canada, and India.

Has the company raised money? 

Yes. In 2018, we raised a seed round of $2.5 million led by Madrona Venture Group. Participants included Bezos Expeditions, Amazon’s Alexa Fund, Google Assistant Investment, and Techstars Ventures.

What does growth look like over the next couple of years?

We’re currently expanding our UX research client projects across Europe and into several markets in Asia-Pacific. 

We also just launched Pulse FlightRecorder last year, so we’re further expanding into new industries and organizations.

How does Pulse Labs differentiate itself?

Pulse Labs has been at the forefront of capturing and analyzing naturalistic UX research since our inception but has also been extending AI capabilities. 

We’re uniquely positioned to address key questions about the advent of AI and how it impacts UX and product development. 

How did you end up at Pulse Labs?

Our CEO, Abhishek Suthan, reached out to me on LinkedIn and invited me to connect. 

From there, the more I learned about Pulse Labs, the team, and the company’s solutions, the more hooked I became. 

I moved from the U.S. to Canada in 2022 to open our Toronto office and haven’t looked back since.

As head of product growth, what do you do day-to-day?

When I joined, my key responsibility was to explore new areas of product growth, focusing on the problems our clients were facing in their product development and UX processes. 

Based on that client feedback, I developed and implemented a validation plan and oversaw the launch of Pulse FlightRecorder. 

A lot of my day-to-day work involves working alongside our product, engineering, and sales teams to align on client feedback. This includes reviewing new features, product roadmaps, and demos. 

I also work one-on-one with our early adopters and new clients to ensure we’re delivering the best possible service and addressing any specific requests they may have. 

How long have you been with Pulse Labs?

I joined Pulse Labs in July 2022.

How can someone join the team?

We’re always looking for talented people to join our team. We regularly post new openings on our website and LinkedIn.

What does the company value most?

Our culture is something we’re very focused on maintaining. 

Pulse Labs values include being innovative, collaborative, verifiable, and user-centric. 

As a growing startup, the leadership team is particularly driven to ensure we don’t lose sense of our collaborative and positive work environment. 

We try to ensure visibility and openness across all teams and organizational levels regarding our work and its impact and outcomes. 

Macs or PCs?

I personally use a PC, but we have some team members who prefer using Macs.

What tools and apps are used in the workplace?

We use a range of tools such as GSuite, Slack, AirTable, Confluence, Hubspot, Softr, Figma, GitHub, Jira, Canva, and Prismatic. 

Does the team predominantly work remotely or in person?

Our team is remote, although we have small offices in Toronto and Salt Lake City.

What perks and benefits should people know about?

Being fully remote is definitely a perk that our teams enjoy.

We also encourage meet-ups across the various cities and regions where we're based. Our team regularly arranges virtual meet-ups, online book clubs, and other opportunities to connect with colleagues on a more personal level. 

We also offer competitive pay, health and retirement benefits, unlimited PTO, and an education stipend.

Anything else we should know about working at Pulse Labs?

We’re very lucky to be at the forefront of a rapidly evolving environment, to be engaged with large organizations, and to have a clear expertise in UX.

To stay up to date on our company’s research and new solutions, visit our website or follow and contact us on LinkedIn

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