The climatetech startup is figuring out how to both create a company and create a market for its product.
Plus, Canada's largest crpyto merger is complete, and eight stories you probably missed.
In the last of a three-part series on circular economy technologies, we find out how a startup produces tabletops, homewares, and art from disposable wood.
From Burnaby to Boston and beyond, we asked Invest Vancouver staff what they’ve learned about the Metro Vancouver region’s competitiveness, advantages, and opportunities on a global stage.
Things are getting a bit fishy. Plus, check out which local outfit got acquired by a German multinational.
The German juggernaut is looking to grow its North American presence and sought out the Vancouver vendor.
Plus, HTEC has built its fifth hydrogen refuelling station in B.C., and six more stories you've missed.
Digital, B.C.’s supercluster, is offering $30 million in total investments thanks to a new partnership with NGen, which will likely help accelerate Lower Mainland companies.
Plus, a new expo for tech enthusiasts, and your chance to compete for $25,000.
Plus, a dose of ecosystem optimism and a new research partnership.
Seven Lower Mainland-based firms in zero waste and cleantech received federal funding.
Plus, Version One Ventures looks back and VEC looks forward.